Strength and Determination

Strength and Determination
They're the reason I do what I do!!

Welcome to Melva's Corner

Good Day All:

After many months of debating back and forth I decided I would invite you into my world. I LOVE interacting with people and now that I have moved away from my loved ones to reside in Las Vegas, Nevada, I needed an outlet to keep me focused and on track.

Please enjoy the topics and most importantly let me know what you think!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


You constantly text me stating that you want our marriage to work but yet you continue to talk about me on FaceBook "The children are another story within their self. 4 children by 4 different men, which is not really the issue until you look at the men that she loved so much to bare their child, and that's where it gets real tricky. I must first say to P...ete who is her youngest son Pedro's father. I commend you for never losing focus on the most important thing in life, and that's your son Pedro. You are a great father, and I too am a great husband when it comes to Melva even though I did inherit your past problems with my wife. She never had the chance for you two to really close the chapter on you all relationship, because the minute I came along she look at me like I was going to cheat on her like she claimed you did in the past. She also had a real problem with me wanting to have communication with all 4 of her childrens father, which did not make any sense seeing as how I was supposed to be the man that was soon to be her husband. Before you get married to me you are suppose to establish an open line of communication with the child father or mother because that is the right road to go when there are children involved. Children are suppose to see family united and not divided." author Deejay O.C. on or about August 24... I am not real sure how you expect me to believe that you want this marriage to work when you continue to trash me because I won't return to the drama filled world as I know it with you, your lies, your adult friend finder ways, the sex offender status oh yeah and the drunken Juanita that you bought into this relationship. You can depict me as any person you so choose, but to make yourself to be the victim is really getting tiresome. I know your words on FB are your true feelings and not that bullshit you keep texting about loving me and wanting to seek spiritual counsel for someone who wants to put God in their relationship should know first and foremost that attacking me a social network is not any way to mend any relationship.. Take the advice of Mrs. Mitchell and know that you are worth more than this bad person you have made me out to be and please move on. The man in the picture would never disrespect me in the manner that you have in fact should you contact him you will see what type of person is truly is thus the reason he and I are able to remain FRIENDS.


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  3. The moment that you posted the picture of you and Steve Harper on your Facebook page with the caption, "My high school love, my boo". You had already disrespected our marriage on a public social network, knowing that you and I are still married. Now as the result of your public mockery of our marriage, I responded to the disrespect because at that point you had taken it too far. I do expect for you and I to work out our marriage and how I expect for us to work it out is first by calling a truce to all the mud slinging that has been going on between the two of us. It's not a good look on neither side. Secondly, I would love to come home as well as I need to come home for us to spend some serious time talking, not talking at, nor rasing our voices at one another. You speak first, and I listen, not respond to what is being said to me by you, but me just listen and have no judgement or opinion on what's being said to me, because it is not for me to comment on, but it is for me to truly listen and take in account of how you are feeling, and you also need to do this just the same when it is my turn to talk Melva. Yes we have both lied to one another equally, and that stops here, right now. I did go to Adult Friend Finder after bringing up to my wife about the lack of sexual intimacy that was going on all of a sudden in our marriage, not boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but our honor and commitment of vows that we had taken. Your response to me Melva when I brought up the issue in our marriage about the lack of sexual intimacy as husband should do. Your response was, "Go Have Sex With Somebody Else, Because I Don't Have To Have Sex With You Because I'm Your Wife, It Didn't Say That In Our Vows." Now what kind of good loving, dedicated, honoring our commitment of vows to one another wife would say that to her husband? So as the result of that I did go to Adult Friend Finder to register an account with them to seek a woman who would do what my wife said she was not commited nor her obligation to do, and that's simply have sexual intimacy with her husband, not her boyfriend. No man needs to be on a website like Adult Friend Finder unless he is single and have no prior commitments. This I agree with on, however, when I am married to you and being told to seek another woman for the sexual satisfaction that should be honored by you Melva, then that is a problem. The sad part about this incident is that you could have realistically solved the problem as soon as it was brought to your attention, but you feel, instead of thinking and then knowing that it was not too much for you to do.

  4. Now as far as my Sex Offender status. If you're going to post that kind of information on your blog, then at least state the real reason why I have a Sex Offender status, because I am not ashamed about what happened in my life over 14+years ago. I was at the peek of my Music/DJ career and I was arrogant, cocky, as well as feeling myself one night when me and a couple of my partners hooked up with this female after the club. We knew that we weren't going to pay this groupie chick for sex, so I had sex with her. She didn't get no money out the deal, like she thought, but when it was all said and done with, the joke was on me, because the security of the nightclub just let the female in without checking her ID, and she was under age, meaning still a minor, so that's how I got the Sex Offender status over 14+years ago. You were aware of my criminal history well before I even moved to Boston and before you and I ever got married, so don't pretend as if my Sex Offender history just came out. I am not bothered nor am I ashamed of being label a Sex Offender, because what happened in my past has shaped and molded a better more concious way of living for me, and that's why when I met you Melva, I knew that God truly blesses me and loves me so. He blessed me with you. God put us two together so that we may learn to trust, respect, be honest, and love again. We were brought together to enjoy the begining and the ending of our natural lives together, meaning dissolving our past and embarking on a new life together as one. Juanita is not even a factor in why we are seperated, because you were already seperating yourself from our marriage 6 months in to it, and instead of talking with me about what was going with you mentally. You chose to do like you only knew how to do, and that's runaway from a situation instead of facing it and dealing with it head on. I have consistantly laid out a real plan that can re-establish our marriage for the good. Spiritual counseling side by side would get a lot of positive results as well as put some closure to some of the on going painful issues in both of our lives so that we may progress in our marriage in a loving, caring matter. I know that I am to blame for for a lot of things that are going on, as you are to blame too. There are no victims, nor are there anyone who has embarrassed the other more or talked bull crap more than the other on Facebook. The bottom line with me Melva is if you could talk to me the way you blog, then I can hear and understand you perfectly fine, but you and I know that what you have blogged about has never came out of your mouth in any way, shape, form, or fashion. The only thing that has come out of your mouth if you read your blogs are the negative thoughts, and not the real kind, caring, loving, and I do love you things that are posted on your blog. You have never once verbally expressed to me in a positive light the real feelings and emotions that you have written out on here, and you've had all the oppurtunity in this marriage to do so. The question why? Why did you choose to verbally express the negative, and never express the positive feelings and emoitions about us. I deserve better and you deserve, and we can do better at our marriage Melva. I am not affraid to Love You and work out our marriage. In fact I would Love You even more knowning that you believe in our promise to one another. Melva I Love You and Miss you and my boys very much, and I would love to come home now and be that husband that you need for me to be and that I know I am, as well as you be my wife.

  5. Just to let you know that you are still putting me on public social network blast, and talking about I am the reason why we are not working out our marriage. I do have a copy of your own words posting as I do have a copy of all your direct pot shots at me. So remember that I am only reacting to what you put out there publicly, and this is the real reason why you and I can't seem to get it together. You can post or blog about it, but you don't know how to calmly sit and say it out your mouth in a positive manner for a positive solution that unite us 10 times better than before. I Love You Melva, and at the same time, I don't have to accept your sarcastic verbal and mental abuse, so every time you do it to me, remember that there is going to be a woman like yourself that will do the same thing if not much worse to your own two sons, and as a mother, then how will you feel about that woman when it comes to your sons? And, What will you be able to give them advice on considering that the woman is doing that exact same thing that you did to another mother's child? How will you be able to advise your sons?
