Strength and Determination

Strength and Determination
They're the reason I do what I do!!

Welcome to Melva's Corner

Good Day All:

After many months of debating back and forth I decided I would invite you into my world. I LOVE interacting with people and now that I have moved away from my loved ones to reside in Las Vegas, Nevada, I needed an outlet to keep me focused and on track.

Please enjoy the topics and most importantly let me know what you think!!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Is stupidity your best quality, a characteristic that makes you believe you are a better person? Is it gene that was passed on to you from your parents? I used to think that you were operating or arrogance but you, are STUPID! I can not abide stupid! If you were merely IGNORANT, you could be taught!!

You think with the past you have acquired you would have learned and profited from that experience. I can not believe that a person that claims to be better man than most rejects evidence in favor of beliefs. You are a repeat offender who denies the wisdom of those wiser than self. Your stupidity allows you to be unable to change his or her view point based on logic, reason, evidence, and fact. You are an idiot if you allowed your stupid baby momma to make you go out into the world and write bad checks in order to see your son.

Your Stupidity is that quality that makes me wonder if you are really incapable or grossly inept at change/growth. Your inability to understand or agree with the point of view of others causes a great concern for me. Your actions are starting to confirm for me that your arrogance that has led to your stupidity may not be entirely your fault, but I still claim you to be stupid. But perhaps a better qualifier would be that your ignorance about this situation, yet your attempt to discuss said situation as if you were not ignorant, is stupid.

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