Strength and Determination

Strength and Determination
They're the reason I do what I do!!

Welcome to Melva's Corner

Good Day All:

After many months of debating back and forth I decided I would invite you into my world. I LOVE interacting with people and now that I have moved away from my loved ones to reside in Las Vegas, Nevada, I needed an outlet to keep me focused and on track.

Please enjoy the topics and most importantly let me know what you think!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Baby momma's

What the fuck is wrong with you bitches today? You claim the nigga ain't no good but yet you befriend him on Facebook and play the innuendo games. Please keep in mind I am not you I made it past high school so I can decipher (oh in case that is a big word) understand the games you are playing the only problem is you're playing them with that bitch who may gut your ass.

Oh I tried to be that wife and allow your GHETTO Stupid ass to call my house to allow your child to talk to his dad. But it irks my soul to hear your voice, he changed his cell phone number and if you don't have it I suggest that you obtain it from him via Facebook and opt not to call my house.

I have had enough of you and that fucking weave, you beast and his nasty ass..Nigga's and bitches don't understand. I have exhausted my patients and shit is going to get real ugly for YOU.

I am sorry to have offended you. But this BITCH and this Nigga just don't have a clue. They are taking me out my character and its time to show niggas how to play the game for real...

1 comment:

  1. Calm down a bit... I know it gets rough. & I know I don't have all the details but just the other day all seemed cool. what ever the situation is, I hope it all works out for the better. Hit me up any time. (your big brother)
